The Rhode Island Ultimate Player's Association, Inc. is pleased to announce that our 6th season of RIPUL coed ultimate frisbee will begin on Monday June 4th.  As usual, we will have a 2 week orientation/signup period that will be held on June 4, 6, 11, and 13 at 6:00 P.M.  The location is still to be determined.    


RIPUL stands for Rhode Island People's Ultimate League and this is truly the People's League.  League games will be every Monday and every Wednesday at 6:00 P.M., except for Wednesday July 4 and Wednesday July 25.  The 1st official game is Monday June 18th.  Summer League Playoffs will be held Saturday August 11th at Wheeler Farm in Seekonk, Mass. and there will be a party and award ceremony following.  All teams qualify for the playoffs. 


As an added bonus, the two top teams from RIPUL will be invited to participate in the 1st Annual Northeast Summer League Championships to be held on Saturday August 25th at Wheeler Farm.  There will be teams from Boston, Connecticut, Amherst, Maine, and New York competing.  We are very excited to host the inagural tourney.


1 game will be held at Moses Brown School in Providence (corner of Hope St. and Lloyd Avenue); 1 game will be at Marvel Gym on Elmgrove Ave. across from Brown Football Stadium; and the other 2 games will be at either Wheeler Farm in Seekonk, Mass. (a short 10-minute drive from the East Side) or Brown Athletic Complex across from Moses Brown on Lloyd Avenue (For those with transportation issues, let me know and we will do our best to accomodate on those nights where your team is playing in Seekonk).


The cost of the league will once again be $45.00.  A sweet T-shirt is included.  Sign-ups will be on a first-come, first served basis.  In order to be included in the draft, you must complete the attached application and waiver, along with a written check made payable to RIUPA, INC.  Please submit to Matthew Brier, 2 Dexter Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860 as soon as possible.  This form will also be available for download at our web site: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~lsh/ripul/ or http://www.ripul.org .


The draft is scheduled for Thursday, June 14th.  However, if the league is filled up you will be placed on a waiting list, with no guarantee that you will be able to play.  So, don't wait until the last minute to sign up.  Also, don't be afraid to invite friends or co-workers to join us.  If they have never played before and want to check it out, as mentioned, we will have pickup on Monday June 4th, Wednesday June 6th, Monday June 11th, and Wednesday June 13th, site to be determined. 


RIPUL is about more than just playing competitive disc.  It is about meeting and hanging out with new friends.  It is about enjoying a nice, cold drink after the game.  "Spirit of the Game" is a critical part of RIPUL.  So, remember, compete hard but fair on the field and let's have some FUN!!! 





(Please Print or Type)





ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________


E-MAIL ADDRESS:________________________@__________________________


TELEPHONE #:  ____Home___________________Work__________________________


DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________________________________


HEIGHT: ___________________________________________________________



(games every monday and wednesday; playoffs saturday august 11th)




DESCRIBE YOUR ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE  (If  None, describe your athletic experience):





                                                                1. Can't throw at all

                                                                2. Solid backhand OR Forehand

                                                                3. Solid Backhand AND Forehand

                                                                4. Solid, consistent throws in wind, can "break mark"



                                                                1. I've never played organized Ultimate before

                                                                2. I understand "Marking" and "Forcing"

                                                                3. I understand "Zone" Defense

                                                                4. I understand defensive concepts and make HOT D layouts






LIST ANY PERSON YOU NEED TO PLAY WITH AND WHY  (Note that that person must list you also and that we make no guarantees of accommodating everybody):











(Please Read Carefully)


            By signing this WAIVER & RELEASE, I acknowledge that I understand its intent and that I do hereby agree and will absolve and hold harmless Rhode Island Ultimate Players Association, Inc. ("RIUPA"), the Moses Brown School, the Wheeler School, Brown University, and the City of Providence, along with their employees, officers, directors, organizers, agents, and representatives, singly and collectively, from and against any blame and liability for any injury, harm, loss, inconvenience, or any other damage of any kind whatsoever, which may result from or be connected in any way to participation in the activities of RIUPA.


            In addition the above absolute and unqualified release from liability, I hereby understand that Ultimate Frisbee is a strenuous physical activity which may place me at risk of serious bodily injury or harm.  I hereby represent that I am physically capable of participating in the activities of RIUPA and that I assume the risk for any injury, harm, loss, inconvenience, or any other damage of any kind whatsoever, which may result from or be connected with in any way to my participation in the activities of RIUPA.  I agree to conduct myself in a safe and prudent manner and hereby absolve and hold harmless RIUPA, the Moses Brown School, the Wheeler School, Brown University, and the City of Providence, along with their employees, officers, directors, organizers, agents, and representatives, singly and collectively, from and against any blame and liability for any injury, harm, loss, inconvenience, or any other damage of any kind whatsoever, I may sustain as a result of my breach of these representations.


I certify that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older, I have read this WAIVER & RELEASE and I understand its legal significance.  (If less than eighteen (18) years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign).



Printed Name: __________________________________________________________


Signature: ______________________________________________________________


Date: __________________________________________________________________