July 18 - Daisy vs. Yellow

At half time, the score was 9-2 Daisy. Later, after three unanswered
Yellow points, it was 14-7 Daisy (5-5 starting second half), then Daisy
pulled ahead to win 17-7.

The highlight for me was rookie Hannah Vu of Daisy getting d-blocked by
a much taller Eric McAndrew, but staying with the play to catch the
deflected disc and successfully complete a pass. If that wasn't enough,
she then caught the disc in the end zone for a score, one of two or
three end zone catches. At one point Larry Mulcahey of Yellow skied
over Jim Chen of Daisy for a score, afterward Chen just stood in the end
zone, looking at his hand. I asked him if his hand had malfunctioned in
some way, but he was mystified how he touched the disc and Larry *still*
caught it.

A personal highlight (or lowlight) for me was letting two throws
straight to me in the o-zone bounce off my hands. As my Daisy team mate
Eileen Wang helpfully reminded me, one of those drops was even worse -
the disc bounced off my chest.

Since Yellow wore dark shirts the last time we played, Daisy went dark
for this game, but had to borrow many dark shirts from Yellow. Sorry
about stretching out that nice shirt you lent me, helpful Yellow person,
especially since the stretching was just in the stomach region. It's
hard to resist the half-priced wings on RIPUL nights at the Red Bridge

My forecast for next year - RIPUL will save a bundle on t-shirts by
giving each team a different dark shade of blue t-shirt, except for
Matty Brier and Scott Mathieu's team, who will wear white.

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