RIPUL Wrapup - August 17th

Our 10th season of summer league came to a succesful conclusion on Saturday.  Congratulations to Captains Scott and Tanja and the whole Daisy crew for winning the championship over a game Rickshaw/Brown squad.  Our best wishes go out to Bill Delgaudio of Daisy who ended up in the hospital with a concussion, but not before making perhaps the most amazing catch in ripul history.  It was 10-9 Daisy versus Blue Velvet, Daisy is like 10 yards from a score when a flick goes up that is slightly behind the intended receiver Bill.  Nat of Blue poached off his man and cut in front and seemingly got a piece of the disc.  Next think I saw was Bill getting run over from behind by another Blue player but somehow, I don't know how, the disc was in Bill's hand for the winning score, as he was lying on the ground unconscious.  Oh, it's true, it's true. 
Congrats also to all the award nominees (  The winners were:

Female Toby: June Park (Blue Velvet)
Male Toby: Brian Thurber (Blue Velvet)
Most Improved Female: Hannah Vu (Daisy)
Most Improved Male: Donnelley Roberts (Rickshaw - Brown)
Cory Award: Andrew Dixon (Hot Damn - Red)
We are going to hold a RIPUL Improvement meeting this Monday August 22nd at 7:00 PM at
Cilantro Restaurant, 123 Weybosset St in Providence.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Come voice your opinions and suggestions on how to improve RIPUL to make it even more awesome. Food is cheap and good. Current and former captains are highly encouraged to come.

Right now, there is a pickup game on Tuesday and Thursday night at 6:00 PM on the track at Hope High in Providence.  There is also a pickup game on Wednesday at URI at 6:00 PM.  If you want to stay abreast of pickup, you should join the ripul yahoogroups, it is free to sign up.
We are also going to have beach ultimate at narragansett town beach starting TOMORROW (Thursday Aug. 18) at 6:00 PM.   It's about a 40 minute drive from Providence and well worth the trip. Laying out for a disc on sand is so much more fun.

Directions from Providence. ..

- Take 95 South to Route 4 South. It's exit 9, a left side exit.
- In about 10 miles, Rt 4 veers right and turns into Route 1.
- Off of Rt 1, take the Narragansett exit, its immediately after the Wakefield exit 
- At end of ramp, take a left
- You will immediately run into a rotary, follow the sign to narragansett, you will be going about halfway around the rotary
- Go to end of road and take a left
- At light, take a left...go down to the 2nd parking lot (North Pavillion) and park
- If you are facing the ocean, Walk left on the beach until you find a game of ultimate
Winter league indoors will start up sometime in October.  More details when we figure out. 
RIPUL women.
If you're interested in continuing to play and learn ultimate through the fall, contact Tanja Wiant ( about playing with Free Buddy, the RI women's ultimate team.

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