RIPUL - June 7th


Big surprise I know, tonight's games are cancelled.  Good news is that we are scheduled to make up tonight's games this Friday June 9th. 

For scores and standing, check out the web page  You are all encouraged to submit game reports to Loring ( so we can all read about how great your team is.

A note to everybody but, particularly, the ladies.  The captains have decided that if you do not have at least 5 men and 2 women by 6:30, the other team has the option to forfeit you.  If you know you cannot make certain games, make sure you tell your captains so they can plan accordingly.  Also, if you are a woman on a team with a bye that night, you are allowed to play on another team who needs a woman.  

Below is info re Leahpalooza, a coed hat tourney in Boston thsi Saturday. 


Please join us for Leahpalooza 2, a Co-ed Hat Tournament Fundraiser for the Leah K. Deni Fund this Saturday, June 10 at Mitre Fields in Burlington, MA.

Leah Deni was a friend, colleague and teammate to many Providence and Boston area frisbee players. She died tragically in December 2004, after five weeks of battling a blood infection. Her short but amazing life inspired the establishment of The Leah K. Deni Fund to support a youth mentorship program in urban ecology and civic engagement.

Leahpalooza 2005 raised more than $3,000. Thanks to all who came last year and contributed to help start the Leadership through Education, Action, and Hope "Leah" mentorship program. To read more about Leahpalooza 2 and the LEAH Mentors please visit and register for the tournament.

If you are unable to attend you are still invited to donate to the Leah K. Deni Fund at:

WHEN: June 10, 2006, 9:30am start time
WHERE: Mitre Fields, Burlington MA
WHO: Everybody you know-from novices to national-level players. This is your chance to bring your frisbee-curious friend and to play disc in a low-stakes high fun environment.
BRING: Instead of lights and darks, please bring an orange shirt and a lime green shirt - Leah's favorite colors. If you don't have orange, bring red or yellow or pink. If you don't have lime green, bring another shade or blue or purple.
REGISTRATION: Register online now at the registration page:

SPECIAL NOTE: Your donation will go directly to the Leah K Deni Fund because of the generous support of BUDA and participating sponsors (see
).  Minimum donation: $20.

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