RIPUL 2006 Teams

Team #1
Jason Donahue and Randy Hall - Captains - Black

Team #2
Carolyn Ernst and Rob Jacob and Chip Dietrich - Captains - Cactus Green

Team #3
June Park and Scott Mathieu - Captains - White

Team #4
Christine Gould and Greg Vassar - Captains - Tropical Pink

Team #5
Scott Wiant and Tanja Wiant - Captains - Light Blue

Team #6
Mike "Kafka" Kofron and Fred Orwiler - Captains - Kelly Green

Team #7
Bill DelGaudio and Maureen Fitzgerald-Nagle - Captains - Red

Team #8
Jason Leroux and Bob "Vette" Vetromile - Captains - Lake

Team #9
Sunya Ojure and Andrew "Moose" Schwartz - Captains - Chocolate

Team #10
Mike Bradley and Alan "Lucky" Lapre - Captains - Gold

Team #11
Carly Blair and Tedy Browar-Jarus - Captains - Orange