RIPUL - May 24th


Nice turnouts for pickup both Monday and last night.  We will have pickup next Monday and Wednesday at 6 at Wheeler.  No disc on Sunday.  1st RIPUL game will be Monday June 4th.

The draft is set for next Wednesday which means if you want to be placed on a team, I must receive your check and waiver by Tuesday.  I will be at pickup hopefully Monday but not on Wednesday. 

According to my records, I have 113 male spots reserved.  We will only take 132 men total.  There are approximately 24 men signed up online to fill the last 19 spots which means some people likely will be told there is no room.  I have not cashed any checks yet, if you want to know whether you are good, you can email me.

As for the women, there are quite a few of you who have not paid me yet.  If I do not receive your check by Wednesday, you will still be placed into the draft and placed on a team but I will assess a $5 late fee for making me chase you for the money unless you have a real good excuse.  The $5 late fee applies to the guys also but I anticipate all the male spots will be filled before then.  Please pay up so I do not have to assess the penalty.  Thank you.

You will be notified next Thursday what team you are on. 


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