Fwd: Game Write Up

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Hey Matty, I'm writing up our game last night. I'm not quite sure who to send this to but you're getting it. Can you forward it to whoever it should go to? Thanks.

Gold vs. Black

The Gorange vs. TEMO match up was much like a civil war. There was no brother against brother, or father against son. Instead, this brutal game pittted against each other, former co-captain vs. co-captain, collegiate teamates vs. teamates, and friends vs. friends. Two teams who should have been joining forces to figure out how to beat Orange, instead attacked each other with canons and deep cuts in a nailbiter that lasted until dusk.

Black came out strong, going up quickly 4-0. Gold used their first time out and assessed their performance. Whatever they talked about, it seemed to work as they got on the scoreboard 4-1. Black fired back going up one more 5-1.

Both teams had potent deep games with hucks from the likes of Dave Toohey, Mike Dussault, and others. It was around then that both teams threw a zone, with mild results on both sides. Gold seemed to handle Black's zone just a little better however, taking back a few points and narrowing EMO's lead.

At 8-8, Gold managed to take half. After half time, Gold and Black were at each other again, mostly playing man, as each team thought they could outrun the other. The deep games were still highly active, with neither team having much success stopping the other. Black lost a little focus on O, throwing the disc away on bad decisions. Gold captilized, going up 14-10.

As night loomed near, the sidelines were lined with spectators and hecklers of other games ended. This may or may not have lit a fire under EMO's asses, as they made a comeback, not allowing Gold to run away with the game.

At double universe, EMO pulled to Gorange. A quick number of passes lead to a big huck, received just shy of the Gold endzone. A throw or two later, Gold finally punched it in for the score.

In one of the most highly anticipated games of the season, Gold bested Black 16-15 and took the second place spot in the standings thus far. TEMO later went home, listened to sad music, and cut ourselves. We'll see you at the tournement, Gorange.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mjbdisc@aol.com
To: Mjbdisc@aol.com
Bcc: Johnson51@aol.com
Sent: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:09 am
Subject: RIPUL - July 10th


I received a complaint from Wheeler that they have been finding empty beer cans in the trash.  There were emptys found this morning in the trash on Field 6, the far baseball diamond.  I don't know if RIPUL is responsible or somebody else, but let it be known that ALCOHOL IS NOT ALLOWED ON THE FIELDS.  I trust that is all I need to say on the matter.

Some great games last night, Black and Gold had a real battle for 2nd place.  Check out the RIPUL standings, there are even a few writeups on there, keep on coming.

FYI, there is no game next game Wednesday July 18th but we will be playing Friday July 20th.


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