Wednesday, June 15 - Brown vs. Forest

The Brown v Forest game was a good game on beautiful night for Ultimate. It ended with Forest Dump winning 16-10. Both teams played pretty good zone D hence there were some long points. Brown's handlers played a good game working some sort passes up the field and thru the Forest cup. The highlight however was Twiggy DiMas with a Greatest and a Callahan in one game. I could replay the Greatest but I wont mainly because it starts with yours truly throwing an ugly bending backhand that is going OB. And also because I didnt actually see the play. While I had my head down, pouting over my bad throw, Twiggy dove for the disc, winging it back to a cutting Melanie Leary in the endzone. All I heard were the cheers from the sideline. Speaking of cheers, both game cheers were solid but the edge goes to Brown IMHO. Sorry Ray, but try better next time.

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