Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 2:22 PM
Cc: Tufts; WHUF; Chinstrap; Chinstrap; B-Pool; Traffic; BU Ozone Pilots; Swinging Sac; Vermont; Weapons; Vermont; Chowdas; Chowdas; Hucky McThrowandcatch; Run Pablo Run; GrassBurners; PIE; GrassBurners;;; Swinging Sac; Zumo; Vitamin-I; STuMP; MooJah;;
Subject: Chowda Results

I hope everybody had fun this weekend.  We were able to donate 251 pounds of canned goods so thanks to those who contributed.  Any suggestions/comments are welcome. 

A pool winners were Chinstrap relatively easily over Zumo to defend the Chowda Bowl.  Tufts redeemed a loss to Weapons of Mass Destruction in pool play on Saturday to win the B Pool.  And the spirit award for the most fun team was Stump, who, along with Tufts, polished off 2 kegs by themselves.  Nice job.

(I have a backpack and disc which I believe belongs to Beth Gentile since thats what the name on the disc says...please contact me)

Here are the full results:

Saturday Round 1:

Traffic 15 Vitamin-I 3
Business Casual 11 Chowdaheads 10
B Pool All Stars 14 Swinging Sac 9
BU 14 Run Pablo Run 12
Stump 11 Hucky 7
Woods Hole 12 UFX 3

Round 2:

GrassBurners 15 Business Casual 3
Traffic 15 Chowdas 9
WMD 21 Tufts 9
PIE 21 Moo Jah 13
B Pool 15 BU 11
Chinstrap 14 Swinging Sac 7
Zumo 15 Hucky 5
Stump 14 UFX 10

Round 3

GrassBurners 15 Traffic 13
Vitamin-I 12 Chowdas 9
Tufts 16 Moo Jah 12
WMD 21 PIE 10
B Pool beat RPR
Chinstrap 15 BU 3
Woods Hole 10 Stump 9

Round 4

GrassBurners 15 Chowdas 9
Business Casual 10 Vitamin-I 6
Swinging Sac 15 RPR 4
Chinstrap 15 B Pool 7
Zumo 15 Stump 5
Woods Hole 10 Hucky 6  
Tufts 17 PIE 12
WMD 21 Moo Jah 16

Sunday Pre-Quarter Crossover:

Tufts 15 Chowdas 3
Moo Jah 15 Business Casual 11
PIE 12 Vitamin-I 8
Swinging Sac 14 WMD 12
GrassBurners 13 Stump 10
UFX 13 BU 12
RPR 15 Hucky 6

A Pool Quarters:

Zumo 15 RPR 3
Chinstrap 15 GrassBurners 7
B Pool 15 UFX 8
Swinging Sac 11 Woods Hole 9

B Pool Quarters

Tufts 15 Stump 8
WMD 12 Moo Jah 11
PIE 11 BU 9
Traffic 15 Hucky 13

A Pool Semis

Chinstrap 17 SwingingSac 8
Zumo 17 B Pool 6

B Pool Semis

WMD 17 PIE 6
Tufts over Traffic

A Pool Finals

Chinstrap 15 Zumo 8 - Chinstrap was up 14-4 before Zumo made a late run.

B Pool Finals

Tufts 13 WMD 9