RIPUL historical roster - statistics

index of players
Email me comments and corrections

Number of different players: 1355
Number of different captains: 170
Number of total teams: 153

Most regular season team wins by RIPUL player

168-86 Brier, Matty (17 years - 1996-2012)
146-104 Toohey, Dave (17 years - 1996-2012)
144-64 Mathieu, Scott (15 years - 1996-2009, 2012)
140-113 Park, June (17 years - 1996-2012)
137-92 Jepson, Nathan (15 years - 1996-1997, 1999-2006, 2008-2012)
128-109 Bradley, Mike (13 years - 2000-2012)
117-101 McAndrew, Eric (12 years - 2000-2005, 2007-2012)
117-114 Barnett, Nat (16 years - 1996-2010, 2012)
116-135 Richardson, Raymond (15 years - 1998-2012)
115-100 Johnson, Chad (13 years - 1998-2006, 2008-2011)
115-110 Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (13 years - 1999-2011)
113-83 Whitehead, Geoff (10 years - 2003-2012)
112-138 Holden, Loring (16 years - 1997-2012)
111-140 Martin, Scott (15 years - 1998-2012)
110-72 Brady, Chris (10 years - 2001-2010)
107-29 Hedlund, Justin (7 years - 2002-2004, 2008-2011)
106-147 Brown, Dr. Bill (15 years - 1998-2012)
104-149 Lucia, Rich "Chia" (17 years - 1996-2012)
103-121 Woo, Kristie (13 years - 1999-2010, 2012)
101-121 Dietrich, Chip (12 years - 2001-2012)
97-92 Woodward, Ryan (10 years - 2002-2011)
96-84 Stein, Matt (9 years - 2004-2012)
95-63 Werge, Ingrid (8 years - 2004-2010, 2012)
95-103 Dussault, Mike (14 years - 1996-2000, 2002-2009, 2011)
90-50 Reed, Nick (7 years - 2006-2012)
90-67 Roberts, Donnelly (8 years - 2005-2012)
89-144 Egan, Dave (13 years - 1999, 2001-2012)
87-35 DiMascio, Dan (6 years - 2007-2012)
85-63 Limerick, Ryan (8 years - 2002-2005, 2007-2010)
84-34 Hall, Randy (6 years - 2006-2007, 2009-2012)
84-38 Ritz, Anna (6 years - 2007-2012)
81-69 Binder, Dr. Bill (12 years - 1996-2006, 2009)
81-86 Wiant, Scott (11 years - 1998-2008)
79-81 Hancock, Rob (8 years - 2005-2012)
78-114 Kofron, Celinda (10 years - 2002-2006, 2008-2012)
77-28 Doherty, Shaun (5 years - 2008-2012)
75-85 McNally, Pat (8 years - 2005-2012)
75-103 Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (9 years - 2004-2012)
74-73 Weis, Eric (10 years - 1998-2007)
73-67 Stein, Achina (7 years - 2005-2011)
72-106 Troiano, Emily (9 years - 2004-2012)
69-53 Karlin, Josh (8 years - 1998, 2000-2006)
69-56 Merrill, Mike (7 years - 2002-2008)
69-76 Nagle, Kevin (9 years - 1998, 2000-2004, 2007, 2010-2011)
67-62 Orwiler, Fred (10 years - 1997-2006)
67-71 Lipsky, Andy (8 years - 2000-2005, 2008-2009)
67-76 Schein, Mike "Chowda" (11 years - 1996-1997, 1999-2006, 2009)
66-50 Holt, Mike (6 years - 2005-2010)
66-96 Wallach, Kit (10 years - 1999-2005, 2007-2008, 2012)
64-57 Bucci, Justine (6 years - 2007-2012)
63-28 Browar-Jarus, Teddy (5 years - 2003-2004, 2006-2008)
62-64 Jacob, Rob (7 years - 2002-2008)
61-43 Wiant, Tanja (6 years - 2002-2007)
60-40 Waterman, Kellie (5 years - 2007-2011)
60-58 Hollister, Jeff (7 years - 2001-2004, 2006-2008)
60-60 Burgess, Kate (6 years - 2006-2011)
60-80 Cavanagh, Dan (7 years - 2006-2012)
60-82 Skwirz, Pete (7 years - 2006-2012)
59-61 Fleischaker, Jeff (7 years - 2001-2007)
58-44 Lapolla, Dan (5 years - 2007-2011)
58-45 Lapre, Mo (6 years - 2001-2006)
58-46 DiMascio, Jared (5 years - 2008-2012)
57-38 Bozikowski, Bob (5 years - 2005-2009)
57-48 Bechtel, Susannah (5 years - 2008-2012)
56-62 Lopez, Damaris (6 years - 2006-2007, 2009-2012)
55-50 Staines, Claire (5 years - 2008-2012)
54-43 Tonry, Chris (5 years - 2005-2007, 2009-2010)
54-43 McBurney, Mike (5 years - 2004-2005, 2007-2009)
54-51 Brown, Andrew (6 years - 2002-2007)
54-51 Remington, Matt (5 years - 2008-2012)
53-23 Singer, Jed (4 years - 2004-2007)
53-32 Fredrickson, Andrew (4 years - 2008-2011)
53-44 Rosenberg, Dave (8 years - 1997-1999, 2001-2004, 2006)
53-60 Nagle, Maureen "Mofitz" (7 years - 2000-2005, 2007)
52-53 Palin, Justin (5 years - 2008-2012)
52-53 Confort, Tom (5 years - 2008-2012)
52-70 Rivard, Kayla (6 years - 2007-2012)
52-97 Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (12 years - 1996-2007)
51-55 Ernst, Carolyn (6 years - 2002-2007)
50-24 Yakota, Bob (6 years - 1998-2003)
50-34 Quinn, Riley (4 years - 2009-2012)
50-35 Stein, Alex (4 years - 2009-2012)
50-55 Vetromile, Bob (5 years - 2008-2012)
50-89 Wu, Michelle (7 years - 2006-2012)
49-39 Mruczek, Ryan (5 years - 2002-2006)
49-45 Gold, Rebecca (5 years - 2004-2008)
48-13 Miller, Andrew (3 years - 2008-2009, 2012)
48-35 Risom, Ethan (4 years - 2008-2009, 2011-2012)
48-36 Beskrowni, Andre (5 years - 2001-2005)
48-37 Henderson, Sam (4 years - 2009-2012)
48-37 Richards, Sam (4 years - 2009-2012)
47-37 Peters-Cooper, Isaac (4 years - 2009-2012)
47-52 Egan, Garth (5 years - 2006-2010)
46-31 Wein, Bryan (4 years - 2006-2008, 2011)
46-37 Sauro, Brian (5 years - 2001-2004, 2006)
46-93 Alice, Mike (7 years - 2006-2012)

Most regular season team losses by RIPUL player

104-149 Lucia, Rich "Chia" (17 years - 1996-2012)
106-147 Brown, Dr. Bill (15 years - 1998-2012)
89-144 Egan, Dave (13 years - 1999, 2001-2012)
111-140 Martin, Scott (15 years - 1998-2012)
112-138 Holden, Loring (16 years - 1997-2012)
116-135 Richardson, Raymond (15 years - 1998-2012)
101-121 Dietrich, Chip (12 years - 2001-2012)
103-121 Woo, Kristie (13 years - 1999-2010, 2012)
78-114 Kofron, Celinda (10 years - 2002-2006, 2008-2012)
117-114 Barnett, Nat (16 years - 1996-2010, 2012)
140-113 Park, June (17 years - 1996-2012)
115-110 Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (13 years - 1999-2011)
128-109 Bradley, Mike (13 years - 2000-2012)
72-106 Troiano, Emily (9 years - 2004-2012)
146-104 Toohey, Dave (17 years - 1996-2012)
75-103 Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (9 years - 2004-2012)
95-103 Dussault, Mike (14 years - 1996-2000, 2002-2009, 2011)
117-101 McAndrew, Eric (12 years - 2000-2005, 2007-2012)
115-100 Johnson, Chad (13 years - 1998-2006, 2008-2011)
52-97 Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (12 years - 1996-2007)
66-96 Wallach, Kit (10 years - 1999-2005, 2007-2008, 2012)
46-93 Alice, Mike (7 years - 2006-2012)
97-92 Woodward, Ryan (10 years - 2002-2011)
137-92 Jepson, Nathan (15 years - 1996-1997, 1999-2006, 2008-2012)
50-89 Wu, Michelle (7 years - 2006-2012)

Best regular season team winning percentage (min. 3 seasons)

48-13 (0.786) Miller, Andrew (3 years - 2008-2009, 2012)
107-29 (0.786) Hedlund, Justin (7 years - 2002-2004, 2008-2011)
39-11 (0.780) Lawrence, Kira (3 years - 2002-2003, 2005)
32-11 (0.744) O'Connell, Chris (5 years - 1997-2001)
77-28 (0.733) Doherty, Shaun (5 years - 2008-2012)
87-35 (0.713) DiMascio, Dan (6 years - 2007-2012)
84-34 (0.711) Hall, Randy (6 years - 2006-2007, 2009-2012)
53-23 (0.697) Singer, Jed (4 years - 2004-2007)
63-28 (0.692) Browar-Jarus, Teddy (5 years - 2003-2004, 2006-2008)
144-64 (0.692) Mathieu, Scott (15 years - 1996-2009, 2012)
84-38 (0.688) Ritz, Anna (6 years - 2007-2012)
37-17 (0.685) Shah, Ronak (3 years - 2003-2005)
43-20 (0.682) Logler, Nick (3 years - 2008-2010)
50-24 (0.675) Yakota, Bob (6 years - 1998-2003)
42-21 (0.666) Hoogeboom, Maarten (3 years - 2008, 2010-2011)
30-15 (0.666) Desrochers, Brendon (3 years - 2001-2003)
168-86 (0.661) Brier, Matty (17 years - 1996-2012)
42-22 (0.656) Capra, Erin (3 years - 2010-2012)
19-10 (0.655) Lee, Winston (3 years - 1998-2000)
36-19 (0.654) Beshers, Ed (3 years - 2003-2004, 2006)
38-21 (0.644) Tompkins, Marc (3 years - 2007-2009)
90-50 (0.642) Reed, Nick (7 years - 2006-2012)
32-18 (0.640) Hall, Keith (3 years - 2001, 2003-2004)
37-21 (0.637) Quan, Karen (3 years - 2007-2008, 2010)
27-16 (0.627) Nolan, Megan (4 years - 1998-2001)

Most regular season team wins by RIPUL captain

107-56   Park, June (9 out of 17 years)
102-49   Mathieu, Scott (12 out of 15 years)
86-51   Bradley, Mike (7 out of 13 years)
73-32   DiMascio, Dan (5 out of 6 years)
70-88   Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (8 out of 9 years)
69-46   Wiant, Scott (7 out of 11 years)
59-62   Whitehead, Geoff (6 out of 10 years)
55-9   Doherty, Shaun (3 out of 5 years)
55-55   Orwiler, Fred (8 out of 10 years)
52-31   Reed, Nick (4 out of 7 years)
52-45   Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (5 out of 13 years)
46-94   Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (9 out of 12 years)
43-30   Wiant, Tanja (4 out of 6 years)
40-15   Hall, Randy (3 out of 6 years)
37-24   Holt, Mike (3 out of 6 years)
37-30   Dussault, Mike (5 out of 14 years)
35-33   Dietrich, Chip (4 out of 12 years)
35-50   Woodward, Ryan (4 out of 10 years)
32-11   Roberts, Donnelly (2 out of 8 years)
32-32   Richards, Sam (3 out of 4 years)
30-34   Staines, Claire (3 out of 5 years)
29-29   Watermulder, Dave "Wadi" (3 out of 3 years)
28-14   Panasuik, Steve (2 out of 3 years)
28-37   Confort, Tom (3 out of 5 years)
27-30   Werge, Ingrid (3 out of 8 years)

Most regular season team losses by RIPUL captain

46-94   Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (9 out of 12 years)
70-88   Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (8 out of 9 years)
59-62   Whitehead, Geoff (6 out of 10 years)
107-56   Park, June (9 out of 17 years)
55-55   Orwiler, Fred (8 out of 10 years)
22-53   Jacob, Rob (4 out of 7 years)
86-51   Bradley, Mike (7 out of 13 years)
35-50   Woodward, Ryan (4 out of 10 years)
102-49   Mathieu, Scott (12 out of 15 years)
69-46   Wiant, Scott (7 out of 11 years)
52-45   Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (5 out of 13 years)
3-39   Troiano, Emily (2 out of 9 years)
26-38   Rivard, Kayla (3 out of 6 years)
28-37   Confort, Tom (3 out of 5 years)
22-35   Wu, Michelle (3 out of 7 years)
30-34   Staines, Claire (3 out of 5 years)
8-33   Vetromile, Bob (2 out of 5 years)
35-33   Dietrich, Chip (4 out of 12 years)
10-32   Williams, Phil "Flip" (3 out of 6 years)
32-32   Richards, Sam (3 out of 4 years)
73-32   DiMascio, Dan (5 out of 6 years)
6-31   Richards, Jon (2 out of 6 years)
52-31   Reed, Nick (4 out of 7 years)
13-30   Pinkham, Alex (2 out of 2 years)
27-30   Werge, Ingrid (3 out of 8 years)

Best regular season team winning percentage by captain (min. 2 seasons as captain, 20 games min.)
55-9 (0.859) Doherty, Shaun (3 out of 5 years)
32-11 (0.744) Roberts, Donnelly (2 out of 8 years)
40-15 (0.727) Hall, Randy (3 out of 6 years)
73-32 (0.695) DiMascio, Dan (5 out of 6 years)
26-12 (0.684) Ogata, Alexa (2 out of 3 years)
102-49 (0.675) Mathieu, Scott (12 out of 15 years)
28-14 (0.666) Panasuik, Steve (2 out of 3 years)
107-56 (0.656) Park, June (9 out of 17 years)
86-51 (0.627) Bradley, Mike (7 out of 13 years)
52-31 (0.626) Reed, Nick (4 out of 7 years)
37-24 (0.606) Holt, Mike (3 out of 6 years)
26-17 (0.604) Watermulder, Dave (2 out of 2 years)
24-16 (0.600) Tillinghast, Adam (2 out of 5 years)
69-46 (0.600) Wiant, Scott (7 out of 11 years)
25-17 (0.595) Henderson, Sam (2 out of 4 years)
43-30 (0.589) Wiant, Tanja (4 out of 6 years)
22-16 (0.578) Browar-Jarus, Teddy (2 out of 5 years)
22-16 (0.578) Rosenberg, Dave (3 out of 8 years)
21-17 (0.552) Woo, Kristie (2 out of 13 years)
37-30 (0.552) Dussault, Mike (5 out of 14 years)
23-19 (0.547) Bloom, Chris (2 out of 4 years)
19-16 (0.542) D'Avanzo, Cara (2 out of 3 years)
52-45 (0.536) Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (5 out of 13 years)
23-20 (0.534) Skwirz, Pete (2 out of 7 years)
35-33 (0.514) Dietrich, Chip (4 out of 12 years)
55-55 (0.500) Orwiler, Fred (8 out of 10 years)
32-32 (0.500) Richards, Sam (3 out of 4 years)
29-29 (0.500) Watermulder, Dave "Wadi" (3 out of 3 years)
59-62 (0.487) Whitehead, Geoff (6 out of 10 years)
21-23 (0.477) Logan, Alex (2 out of 3 years)
27-30 (0.473) Werge, Ingrid (3 out of 8 years)
25-28 (0.471) Nagle, Kevin (3 out of 9 years)
30-34 (0.468) Staines, Claire (3 out of 5 years)
16-20 (0.444) Ernst, Carolyn (2 out of 6 years)
70-88 (0.443) Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (8 out of 9 years)
23-29 (0.442) Martin, Scott (4 out of 15 years)
18-23 (0.439) Crawley, Adam (2 out of 5 years)
28-37 (0.430) Confort, Tom (3 out of 5 years)
12-17 (0.413) Cogan-Drew, Dan (4 out of 5 years)
14-20 (0.411) Lucia, Rich "Chia" (3 out of 17 years)
35-50 (0.411) Woodward, Ryan (4 out of 10 years)
26-38 (0.406) Rivard, Kayla (3 out of 6 years)
17-26 (0.395) O'Connell, Graeme (2 out of 4 years)
14-22 (0.388) Wallach, Kit (2 out of 10 years)
12-19 (0.387) Greer, Amy (2 out of 4 years)
22-35 (0.385) Wu, Michelle (3 out of 7 years)
15-24 (0.384) Nagle, Maureen "Mofitz" (2 out of 7 years)
16-26 (0.380) Viscardi, Bobby (2 out of 2 years)
15-27 (0.357) Anderson, Matt (2 out of 2 years)
14-28 (0.333) Alice, Mike (2 out of 7 years)
46-94 (0.328) Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (9 out of 12 years)
13-30 (0.302) Pinkham, Alex (2 out of 2 years)
8-19 (0.296) Pearce, Evan (2 out of 4 years)
22-53 (0.293) Jacob, Rob (4 out of 7 years)
10-32 (0.238) Williams, Phil "Flip" (3 out of 6 years)
8-33 (0.195) Vetromile, Bob (2 out of 5 years)
6-28 (0.176) DelGaudio, Bill (2 out of 6 years)
6-31 (0.162) Richards, Jon (2 out of 6 years)
3-39 (0.071) Troiano, Emily (2 out of 9 years)

Most RIPUL championships

5 Brady, Chris (2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008)
4 Brier, Matty (1998, 2003, 2007, 2008)
4 Reed, Nick (2006, 2007, 2008, 2010)
4 Schein, Mike "Chowda" (1996, 2000, 2001, 2003)
4 Toohey, Dave (1996, 2002, 2003, 2009)
3 Holden, Loring (2005, 2010, 2011)
3 Singer, Jed (2004, 2005, 2006)
2 Barnett, Nat (2004, 2006)
2 Bechtel, Susannah (2008, 2009)
2 Beshers, Ed (2004, 2006)
2 Buck, John (1998, 2001)
2 Dietrich, Chip (2002, 2003)
2 Egan, Dave (2005, 2009)
2 Egan, Garth (2007, 2009)
2 Ernst, Carolyn (2002, 2007)
2 Hall, Randy (2010, 2011)
2 Jacob, Rob (2002, 2004)
2 Jepson, Nathan (2002, 2004)
2 Lapolla, Dan (2007, 2008)
2 Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (1999, 2007)
2 Mathieu, Scott (1997, 2006)
2 McAndrew, Eric (2003, 2009)
2 McBurney, Mike (2004, 2005)
2 Nagle, Kevin (2002, 2003)
2 Nagle, Maureen "Mofitz" (2002, 2003)
2 O'Connell, Chris (1997, 2001)
2 Richardson, Raymond (2001, 2003)
2 Rosenberg, Dave (1997, 2001)
2 Shean, Brendan (2007, 2008)
2 Wiant, Scott (2004, 2005)
2 Wiant, Tanja (2004, 2005)
2 Woodward, Ryan (2004, 2005)

Most RIPUL finals appearances

9 Brier, Matty (4 championships)
5 Bradley, Mike (1 championship)
5 Brady, Chris (5 championships)
5 Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (2 championships)
4 Barnett, Nat (2 championships)
4 Holden, Loring (3 championships)
4 Johnson, Chad (1 championship)
4 Mathieu, Scott (2 championships)
4 McAndrew, Eric (2 championships)
4 Reed, Nick (4 championships)
4 Rosenberg, Dave (2 championships)
4 Schein, Mike "Chowda" (4 championships)
4 Toohey, Dave (4 championships)
3 Brown, Andrew (1 championship)
3 Brown, Dr. Bill (1 championship)
3 Dietrich, Chip (2 championships)
3 Dussault, Mike (1 championship)
3 Egan, Dave (2 championships)
3 Ernst, Carolyn (2 championships)
3 Hall, Randy (2 championships)
3 Karlin, Josh
3 Lapolla, Dan (2 championships)
3 Martin, Scott
3 McBurney, Mike (2 championships)
3 Merrill, Mike (1 championship)
3 Nagle, Kevin (2 championships)
3 Park, June (1 championship)
3 Richardson, Raymond (2 championships)
3 Singer, Jed (3 championships)
3 Wiant, Scott (2 championships)
3 Wiant, Tanja (2 championships)
3 Yakota, Bob (1 championship)
2 Al-Hamdouni, Tarek (1 championship)
2 Bauer, Nick
2 Bechtel, Susannah (2 championships)
2 Beshers, Ed (2 championships)
2 Buck, John (2 championships)
2 Byrum, Cory
2 Cavanagh, Dan
2 Cornell, Sarah (1 championship)
2 DelGaudio, Bill (1 championship)
2 Delmont, Matt (1 championship)
2 Draper, Ben (1 championship)
2 Egan, Garth (2 championships)
2 Ganim, Kate (1 championship)
2 Gordon, Melissa
2 Greer, Jon (1 championship)
2 Jacob, Rob (2 championships)
2 Jepson, Nathan (2 championships)
2 LaRosa, Jon (1 championship)
2 Lapre, Mo (1 championship)
2 Lee, Winston (1 championship)
2 Lipsky, Andy (1 championship)
2 Litchman, Amos (1 championship)
2 Marlio, Charles (1 championship)
2 McBride, Tim
2 McNally, Pat (1 championship)
2 McShane, Lauren (1 championship)
2 Mruczek, Ryan
2 Murray, Marion
2 Nagle, Maureen "Mofitz" (2 championships)
2 Nolan, Megan (1 championship)
2 O'Connell, Chris (2 championships)
2 Orwiler, Fred (1 championship)
2 Pearce, Evan (1 championship)
2 Petros, Jeff
2 Richards, Sam (1 championship)
2 Roberts, Donnelly (1 championship)
2 Shean, Brendan (2 championships)
2 Stein, Alex (1 championship)
2 Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (1 championship)
2 Whitehead, Geoff (1 championship)
2 Wise, Alissa
2 Woo, Kristie (1 championship)
2 Woodward, Ryan (2 championships)
2 Wu, Shirley "Shwu" (1 championship)

Most RIPUL seasons

17 Brier, Matty (1996-2012)
17 Lucia, Rich "Chia" (1996-2012)
17 Park, June (1996-2012)
17 Toohey, Dave (1996-2012)
16 Barnett, Nat (1996-2010, 2012)
16 Holden, Loring (1997-2012)
15 Brown, Dr. Bill (1998-2012)
15 Jepson, Nathan (1996-1997, 1999-2006, 2008-2012)
15 Martin, Scott (1998-2012)
15 Mathieu, Scott (1996-2009, 2012)
15 Richardson, Raymond (1998-2012)
14 Dussault, Mike (1996-2000, 2002-2009, 2011)
13 Bradley, Mike (2000-2012)
13 Egan, Dave (1999, 2001-2012)
13 Johnson, Chad (1998-2006, 2008-2011)
13 Lapre, Alan "Lucky" (1999-2011)
13 Woo, Kristie (1999-2010, 2012)
12 Binder, Dr. Bill (1996-2006, 2009)
12 Dietrich, Chip (2001-2012)
12 McAndrew, Eric (2000-2005, 2007-2012)
12 Vetromile, Bob "Vette" (1996-2007)
11 Schein, Mike "Chowda" (1996-1997, 1999-2006, 2009)
11 Wiant, Scott (1998-2008)
10 Brady, Chris (2001-2010)
10 Kofron, Celinda (2002-2006, 2008-2012)
10 Orwiler, Fred (1997-2006)
10 Wallach, Kit (1999-2005, 2007-2008, 2012)
10 Weis, Eric (1998-2007)
10 Whitehead, Geoff (2003-2012)
10 Woodward, Ryan (2002-2011)
9 Kofron, Mike "Kafka" (2004-2012)
9 Nagle, Kevin (1998, 2000-2004, 2007, 2010-2011)
9 Stein, Matt (2004-2012)
9 Troiano, Emily (2004-2012)
8 Hancock, Rob (2005-2012)
8 Karlin, Josh (1998, 2000-2006)
8 Limerick, Ryan (2002-2005, 2007-2010)
8 Lipsky, Andy (2000-2005, 2008-2009)
8 McNally, Pat (2005-2012)
8 Roberts, Donnelly (2005-2012)
8 Rosenberg, Dave (1997-1999, 2001-2004, 2006)
8 Werge, Ingrid (2004-2010, 2012)
7 Alice, Mike (2006-2012)
7 Cavanagh, Dan (2006-2012)
7 Fleischaker, Jeff (2001-2007)
7 Hedlund, Justin (2002-2004, 2008-2011)
7 Hollister, Jeff (2001-2004, 2006-2008)
7 Jacob, Rob (2002-2008)
7 Merrill, Mike (2002-2008)
7 Nagle, Maureen "Mofitz" (2000-2005, 2007)
7 Reed, Nick (2006-2012)
7 Skwirz, Pete (2006-2012)
7 Stein, Achina (2005-2011)
7 Wu, Michelle (2006-2012)
6 Albert, Paul (2003-2008)
6 Broestl, Sean (2007-2012)
6 Brown, Andrew (2002-2007)
6 Brown, Ryan (2007-2012)
6 Bucci, Justine (2007-2012)
6 Burgess, Kate (2006-2011)
6 DelGaudio, Bill (2002-2007)
6 DiMascio, Dan (2007-2012)
6 Ernst, Carolyn (2002-2007)
6 Hall, Randy (2006-2007, 2009-2012)
6 Holt, Mike (2005-2010)
6 Lapre, Mo (2001-2006)
6 Lopez, Damaris (2006-2007, 2009-2012)
6 Richards, Jon (2006-2009, 2011-2012)
6 Ritz, Anna (2007-2012)
6 Rivard, Kayla (2007-2012)
6 Wiant, Tanja (2002-2007)
6 Williams, Phil "Flip" (1998-2003)
6 Yakota, Bob (1998-2003)

Number of seasons played

Seasons  Number of players playing that many seasons
1        ************************************************************************ 891 (65.7%)
2        **************** 207 (15.2%)
3        ****** 84 (6.1%)
4        **** 54 (3.9%)
5        *** 46 (3.3%)
6        * 19 (1.4%)
7        . 12 (0.8%)
8        . 8 (0.5%)
9        . 4 (0.2%)
10       . 7 (0.5%)
11       . 2 (0.1%)
12       . 4 (0.2%)
13       . 5 (0.3%)
14       . 1 (0%)
15       . 5 (0.3%)
16       . 2 (0.1%)
17       . 4 (0.2%)
69 players played their only year in 1998 (55.2% of 125 players)
37 players played their only year in 1999 (32.1% of 115 players)
54 players played their only year in 2000 (40.2% of 134 players)
49 players played their only year in 2001 (35.5% of 138 players)
31 players played their only year in 2002 (23.6% of 131 players)
37 players played their only year in 2003 (25% of 148 players)
48 players played their only year in 2004 (27.2% of 176 players)
46 players played their only year in 2005 (25.8% of 178 players)
58 players played their only year in 2006 (30% of 193 players)
60 players played their only year in 2007 (30.1% of 199 players)
73 players played their only year in 2008 (32.4% of 225 players)
62 players played their only year in 2009 (28.9% of 214 players)
66 players played their only year in 2010 (31.4% of 210 players)
70 players played their only year in 2011 (31.2% of 224 players)
131 players played their only year in 2012 (50.9% of 257 players)

index of players
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