
RIPUL Board / February 19, 2024

RIPUL 2024 - Pre-Season Update


We hope everyone is enjoying the off-season. The RIPUL season will be here before you know it! We have a few general announcements we’d like folks to be aware of as we get closer and closer to signup time.

New Board Members

First off, thank you to everyone who voted in the off-season election. We have our (4) new Board members that we are excited to work with this season, listed below. If you need to contact the Board for any reason, please use the email, listed on the RIPUL website.

  • Anna Carr
  • Cameron Lang
  • Sydney Lombardi
  • Zach Raso

Joining Committees

Equity Committee

The Equity Committee is beginning to plan how we can build on the improvements made over the last several years and we would love your input and participation!

We're reaching out to the entire league to see if anyone is interested in jumping on board this year to help lead equity efforts related to RIPUL! Over the last several years, the Equity Committee has made big strides in improving RIPUL, such as the Captain Application, Spirit Scores, Dangerous Plays policy, and much more.

If you're interested in joining, we're having an introductory conference call in either late February or early March to gauge interest and start planning ways we can positively impact the league going forward! This will be an opportunity for us to share what the Equity Committee has done and hear ideas that folks in the community have! This call is open to anyone, so if you're on the fence about joining, it's a great chance to learn more about what we do.

Please fill out the following form if you're interested in joining the call! We'll release a date/time to people that sign up, once we get a little closer and know the availability of folks! Please sign up using this form! If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to!

FUNd Committee

The FUNd Committee organizes social gatherings and events throughout the RIPUL season with the main goals of building our community and fundraising for the future. We organize mixers to start and end the season, create seasonal and RIPUL-themed swag for sale, and we host weeknight post-game activities such as bingo. We also run our social media account, @ripul_ultimate. Last summer was a great success and we were able to raise over $2000 towards our Scholarship Fund. This year we are looking forward to continuing to build these events and activities, fundraise for our community, and have a fun(d) summer doing so! We are looking for friendly and dedicated faces to join our committee! Please reach out to us by filling out this form! If anyone would also like to donate items/services for any future fundraisers/raffles, they would be greatly appreciated!

Important Dates

While we don’t have hard set dates at the moment, we want to give everyone an idea of the timeline that we expect to see in the coming months:

  • Captain Application Mid-late March
  • Mixed Signups Mid April
  • Lottery Draw Day <1 week from signups
  • Draft Early May
  • Women’s Clinic Mid-May
  • Learning Clinic Mid-May
  • Season Start May 27th (Memorial Day)
  • Tournament August 10th

Hope to see everyone on the fields this summer!

-The RIPUL Board of Directors