Sam Stefanik
On-field matchup: MRIPUL history
2022 LimeCaptains: Alex "Q" Jenkins, Brianna Resto
2018 GoldCaptains: Delaney "Gus" Reardon, Gus Haflin
2017 MaroonCaptains: Eric Peters, Katie Dahlborg
2016 SilverCaptains: Nick Logler, Olivia Fantini
2015 ForestCaptain with Heather O'Neill
2014 NavyCaptain with Emily Jensen
2013 Safety OrangeCaptain with Richard A Ferreira
2011 NavyCaptains: Sam Richards, Stephen Panasuik
2010 BlackCaptains: Sam Richards, Stephen Panasuik
2009 GoldCaptains: Adam Crawley, Sticky DiMascio