Russell Brown
On-field matchup: MRIPUL history
2023 WhiteCaptains: Alex "Q" Jenkins, Brianna Resto
2022 CarolinaCaptain with Sydney Lombardi
2021 AtomicCaptains: Courtney "C$" Cooke, Riley Tuttle
2019 RedCaptain with Sydney Lombardi
2018 ForestCaptains: Daniel Roach, Nikki Silva
2017 Kelly GreenCaptains: Emma Shoemaker, Riley Tuttle
2016 GoldCaptains: Audra Cornell, Chris Higgins
2015 Safety OrangeCaptains: Jane Hu, Matthew Silverman
2014 KellyCaptains: Donnelly Roberts, Karen Confort
2013 RedCaptains: Christopher Bloom, Topher Brown
2012 PinkCaptains: Christopher Bloom, Topher Brown
2011 ColumbiaCaptains: Emily Hickey, Kevin Nagle