RIPUL head to head results

Schedule | Standings | Head to head

The scores below show the results when the team on the left plays the team on the top. If the score shown is 17-5, that means the left hand team won the game. If the score is 5-17, then the top team won.

Navy (1)Forest (2)Orange (3)Purple (4)Brown (5)Vegas (6)Gold (7)Black (8)White (9)Maroon (10)Kelly (11)Columbia (12)
Navy (1)XXXXX 17-3, 7-15 14-13, 14-10 17-16, 15-14 8-17, 12-17 17-19, 10-16 16-12 19-9, 18-14 8-17 9-15, 11-15 17-9, 12-17 11-16, 12-17
Forest (2) 3-17, 15-7XXXXX 2-15, 9-17 12-14, 16-13 7-17, 5-16 9-17, 14-17 9-17, 13-16 17-11, 17-13 14-19, 0-5 16-10, 15-11 8-19, 15-13 7-17, 12-13
Orange (3) 13-14, 10-14 15-2, 17-9XXXXX 17-6, 14-7 19-14, 9-17 12-15, 15-9 11-12, 14-15 18-6, 17-8 11-13, 14-13 17-6, 17-2 12-14, 11-13 13-12, 7-17
Purple (4) 16-17, 14-15 14-12, 13-16 6-17, 7-14XXXXX 17-9, 5-17 11-17, 15-16 13-15, 8-17 12-17, 11-14 8-17, 10-17 16-15, 14-12 11-17, 7-11 15-17, 12-14
Brown (5) 17-8, 17-12 17-7, 16-5 14-19, 17-9 9-17, 17-5XXXXX 11-14, 17-7 13-12, 15-10 16-9, 15-9 16-12, 0-5 17-7, 13-12 9-13, 15-13 14-9, 13-9
Vegas (6) 19-17, 16-10 17-9, 17-14 15-12, 9-15 17-11, 16-15 14-11, 7-17XXXXX 9-17, 13-16 17-11, 15-8 8-17, 10-17 5-0, 17-9 10-17, 15-16 12-13, 13-15
Gold (7) 12-16 17-9, 16-13 12-11, 15-14 15-13, 17-8 12-13, 10-15 17-9, 16-13XXXXX 11-7, 17-1 14-17, 12-8 17-13, 17-2 12-17, 8-12 10-17, 15-14
Black (8) 9-19, 14-18 11-17, 13-17 6-18, 8-17 17-12, 14-11 9-16, 9-15 11-17, 8-15 7-11, 1-17XXXXX 8-17, 17-11 12-17, 16-11 12-14, 12-16 6-17, 10-13
White (9) 17-8 19-14, 5-0 13-11, 13-14 17-8, 17-10 12-16, 5-0 17-8, 17-10 17-14, 8-12 17-8, 11-17XXXXX 17-3, 16-14 14-17, 17-13 17-9, 13-15
Maroon (10) 15-9, 15-11 10-16, 11-15 6-17, 2-17 15-16, 12-14 7-17, 12-13 0-5, 9-17 13-17, 2-17 17-12, 11-16 3-17, 14-16XXXXX 5-17, 12-16 5-17, 13-11
Kelly (11) 9-17, 17-12 19-8, 13-15 14-12, 13-11 17-11, 11-7 13-9, 13-15 17-10, 16-15 17-12, 12-8 14-12, 16-12 17-14, 13-17 17-5, 16-12XXXXX 17-12, 17-7
Columbia (12) 16-11, 17-12 17-7, 13-12 12-13, 17-7 17-15, 14-12 9-14, 9-13 13-12, 15-13 17-10, 14-15 17-6, 13-10 9-17, 15-13 17-5, 11-13 12-17, 7-17XXXXX

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